Websites for Students & Parents

Middle School is all about taking on responsibility and being in charge of your affairs. One of the biggest differences from elementary school is the your ability to monitor your class progress as well as recieve class assignments online. Parents will especially appreciate the access "Parent Connect" allows for monitoring their student's fullfillment of assignments and actual test results.

The two primary websites to stay on top of your scholastic information are:

Power School - Parent Connect is our site for parents AND students to check students' grades and other demographic information. Teachers update the site weekly, informing parents and students of their students' progress. It is also a great starting point for conversations between parents, students, and teachers.

Schoology- This is an online portal for academic classes. Teachers use Schoology to post homework assignments, online portfolios, PowerPoint presentations, notes, online textbooks, discussion boards, and content-related videos. Students now have access to most classroom content from anywhere in the world.


Educational Support Websites

Khan Academy -

Wolfram Alpha -