Principal's Message
Hello Richardson Community:
I would like to introduce myself to you as the newly appointed principal of Richardson Middle school. I have taught middle school math for 15 years and spent the last 4 years in administration. I am passionate about students learning the skills they need to be successful in life which not only includes academics but their social and emotional well being. I look forward to collaborating with you as we help our students grow and mature into amazing young adults.
Richardson has many programs in place to support students academically, emotionally and socially. We foster an environment that encourages Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and use restorative practices when dealing with students conflict and tension and discipline issues. Every quarter, students are selected for our HISS awards where we recognize them for exemplifying positive character . Students have a variety of lunchtime clubs and after school programs that provide them with additional learning opportunities.
This is going to be a great school year. Please work with our PTSA to find out ways that you can be involved at school.
Yours truly,
Tayo Balogun