Yukon Students Shine
At Yukon there are many ways we highlight our student’s accomplishments. One exciting new way is “Spotlight on Yukon’s Awesome Authors.” Teachers choose a great piece of student writing, the principal reads it at our school-wide assembly, and then interviews the author, just like on NPR. We discuss what inspired the author or other aspects of the writing such as character or setting. Modeling great writing is a way all our students can be inspired and aspire to be “awesome authors” themselves. Additionally, some students are preparing to compete in Math Olympiads, and others in Yukon’s Spelling Bee. The stars on our café bulletin board are filling up with pictures of our students who have already met year-end reading benchmarks and have been celebrated by “walking the red carpet.” Every student is encouraged to work hard and excel. There are so many ways to “shine” at Yukon.