Edison Elementary School People

Photo of Kristen Anderson

Kristen Anderson

Intervention Teacher

Room 18

Photo of Brittany Blue

Kathleen Appel


Learning Center

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison Mascot

La Joy Atkins

Health Services Technician

Health Office

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison Mascot

Beverly Becerra


Room 20B (M, W)

Photo of Laura Beresford

Laura Beresford


Learning Center

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison mascot

Molly Blazak

2nd Grade Teacher

Photo of Brittany Blue

Brittany Blue


Learning Center

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison Mascot

Anna Bowman

Instructional Assistant - TK

Room 1

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison Mascot

Jodi Branley

1st Grade

Room 11

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison mascot

Amy Caponpon

Noon Assistant

Photo of Duany Castaneda

Duany Castaneda

ASSIST Behavior Support Assistant

Room 16

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison Mascot

Michael Conners

Custodial Services

Custodial Room

Photo of Christina Cortese

Christina Cortese


Room 19

Photo of Tania Crofton

Tania Crofton

5th Grade

Room 27

Photo of Susan Currier

Susan Currier

Kindergarten / 1st Combination

Room 2

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison Mascot

Dirk Davis

P.E. Teacher

Room 16 (W)

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison Mascot

Diane Diekmann

Instructional Assistant - TK

Room 1

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison Mascot

Diane Donahue

Cafeteria Manager


Photo of Debbi Duenas

Debbi Duenas

Intervention Teacher

Room 18 (M, T, W, Th)

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison mascot

Akosita Faletau


Photo of Danielle Fawcett

Danielle Fawcett

Special Education - Learning Center

Room 32

Photo of Laura Graff

Laura Graff

5th Grade

Room 28

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison Mascot

Janet Graves

Noon Assistant

Photo of Misty Gray

Misty Gray

Occupational Therapist

Room 16

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison Mascot

Andrea Harrington

Intervention Teacher

Room 18 (M, Th)

Photo of Rebecca Hester

Rebecca Hester

RTI Teacher

Room 17 (M, W, EOF)

Photo of Whitney Hinman

Whitney Hinman

4th/5th Grade Combination

Room 25

Photo of Kimberly Hinze

Kimberly Hinze

1st Grade

Room 9

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison Mascot

Regina Hopf


Room 3

Photo of Amy Izushima

Amy Izushima

Intervention Teacher

Room 7

Photo of Glen Kamida

Glen Kamida

Instrumental Music

Room 20 (Thursday)

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison Mascot

Maggie Kiupelian

Office Assistant

Main Office

Photo of Hortensia Marquez

Hortensia Marquez

5th Grade

Room 26

Photo of Joni Marumoto

Joni Marumoto

Speech Pathologist

Room 30 (T, W, Th)

Photo of Teri Matis

Teri Matis

2nd Grade

Room 13

Photo of Jenifer Matsumoto

Jenifer Matsumoto

3rd / 4th Grade Combination

Room 23

Photo of Colleen Norcio

Colleen Norcio


Learning Center

Photo of Jayne Okazaki

Jayne Okazaki


Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison Mascot

Esmelda Padilla

Noon Assistant

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison mascot

Adam Pierce

P.E. Teacher

16 (W)

Photo of Marian Polun

Marian Polun

Intervention Teacher

Room 14

Photo of Sally Richardson

Sally Richardson

4th Grade

Room 24

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison Mascot

Marcus (Dex) Ross

Custodial Services

Custodial Room

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison Mascot

Sandra Santos

Staff Assistant

Main Office

Photo of Chris Schwartz

Chris Schwartz

Special Education - Learning Center

Room 33

Photo of Shani Stoler

Shani Stoler


Room 4

Photo of Naomi Suzuki

Naomi Suzuki

1st Grade

Room 10

Photo of Makenzie Tabaldo

Makenzie Tabaldo

2nd Grade

Room 25

Photo of Cristina Talleda

Cristina Talleda

Transitional Kindergarten

Room 1

Photo of Daphne Tanimitsu

Daphne Tanimitsu

Speech Pathologist

Room 30 (T, W, Th)

Photo of Jo Telkamp

Jo Telkamp

Noon Assistant

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison Mascot

Casey Weideman

3rd Grade

Room 8

Image of Eddie Eagle, the Edison Mascot

Stephanie Willis

4th Grade

Room 15