Location & Contact Information
3800 W 182nd St
Torrance, CA 90504
Front Office:
(310) 533-4513
If you receive a busy signal, call (310) 972-6500 to reach the school. Then dial extension 2881 or 2882 when prompted.
Jane Okazaki
310-533-4513 x2880
Absence Reporting #:
(310) 533-4513
(Select option 2 when prompted)
or email: EdisonAttendance@tusd.org
If your child will be absent three or more days, please contact your child’s teacher and the office for an independent contract to get a work packet and receive attendance credit.
(310) 972-6392
Follow us on our social media channels for the latest information!
See Something, Say Something
Our Say Something Anonymous Reporting System is an anonymous 24/7 crisis call center that students and families can contact to report tips that someone may be a potential threat to themselves or others. This tool is a collaboration with the Sandy Hook Promise Foundation to enhance student safety and support the mental health of our students.