School Culture

Keep It Real

All members of the Edison community: students, staff, parents, and community members strive toKeep It Real - Respect Empathy Awareness Learning

Keep It Real





These are the central values upon which Edison's culture is built. Teachers and staff model these values in their interactions with students and with each other, and reward students when they demonstrate these values through their words and actions.

School Climate

Students enjoy a positive climate for learning. Listed below are some ways in which this is achieved:

  • Assemblies are held regularly in the "quad" with awards given for citizenship, scholarship, and special effort.
  • Students from several upper-grade classes choose to become "buddies" to primary students. These shared activities help build self-esteem in both older and younger children.
  • Numerous students assist as cafeteria helpers, office helpers, messengers, and tutors. Such activities help all students develop leadership skills.
  • Selected fifth-grade students participate in a Conflict Manager Program. They receive training and are responsible for mediating some student problems.

Conflict Resolution

We are working toward helping students improve their interpersonal skills by teaching them different alternatives to solving problems they experience in learning to get along with other children. Before coming to an adult to complain about a problem, we are asking students to use some of the following strategies to try and solve the problem themselves.

Conflict Resolution Strategies

  1. Talk it over. Listen.
  2. Walk away.
  3. Say, "I'm sorry".
  4. Do something else.
  5. Take turns.
  6. Share.
  7. Ignore it.
  8. Ask for help.
  9. Use rock, paper, scissors.

With this plan we hope students will learn skills that will help them throughout life, by developing a sense of responsibility for their behavior. Students will become more confident in their decision-making skills, while they build good self-esteem. 

Positive Behavioral Interventions