Jefferson Middle School News
November 27th - December 1st is our Start With Hello Week and...
Jaguar Families, Our virtual candy storefront is now open. Check out See’s hol...
Jefferson families, Our annual food drive starts Wednesday, November 8th and will ru...
The JMS Spirit Attire store is NOW OPEN! Do Not miss your chance to order your JMS S...
Jefferson Families, The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Jefferson April 29th - May...
PTSA is proud to present the annual Dia De Los Muertos Festival at Jefferson on Tues. N...
Astronomy Night is taking place next Tues 1/16 from 5:30-8:15pm ! Sign up for a present...
This year’s theme is, “I am Hopeful Because ...” Lookin...
Jaguars, Volleyball tryouts are right around the corner! If you plan on trying...
JMS 8th grade CJSF application now available for Fall 2023. Use this link to apply: &nb...
Dear Jefferson Middle School Families, Jefferson Middle School will be participating...
Jaguar families, We have created quick and easy access to the JMS Update. ...
We will host our annual Back to School Night on September 19th, 2023 at 6:00 pm. T...
Come out and show your Jaguar soccer team support this season. Schedule is s...
Jefferson families, Don't Forget, Join PTSA! Jefferson Middle School's PT...
Dear Jaguar Families, It’s time for another exciting school year to start and ...
Torrance Unified Families, As we near the beginning of our 2023-2024 school year, we...
PE Clothes Order Form and Information Click on flyer below for printable PDF
Jefferson Families, It is hard to believe we are already preparing for the 202...
Incoming Jaguar Families, Camp Jaguar is just around the corner! Incoming 6th ...
We're excited to invite our Jaguar families to Jefferson's Open House Expo...
Summer band is a great opportunity to start learning an instrument or continue to learn...
The 8th grade has scheduled one last restaurant night for next Tuesday, May 16th from 1...
Keeping your child engaged in reading helps prevent learning loss during the summer mon...
8th Grade, Ever thought about being able to speak with confidence and knowledge on a...