October 21, 2024

Good Morning Edison Eagles! The recording of the assembly did not record audio so we are sending the notes from the assembly only.  

Keeping it R.E.A.L (Respect, Empathy, Awareness, and a Learner) Students of the Week! 

Congratulations to our Raffle award winners:

Lyah H, Joe A, Arlene I, Kailani, Anna H, Reagan A, Victoria R, Khaleb H, Wes C, and Octavio G.

Congratulations to the Students of the Week!

Christian R, Philip F, Shaheer K, Enrique R, Regan A, Clark R, Cecilia C, Olivia V, Audrey S, Sloane M, Houston M, Jacob H, Bahaaeddine D, Octavio G, Jonathan C, Bobby S, and Micah P.

Recognize a Teacher or Staff for a Weekly Keep it Real Congratulations to the Teacher/Staff of the Week:  MS BLUE!

Consider our custodian, para educator, office staff, and teachers. Nominate staff member for Keeping it REAL at Edison by completing this nomination form: https://forms.gle/eCreMcMdeUtrfyvh6   or QR code 

Lunch Menu HERE

Please remember to only pick up a cafeteria lunch if you raised your hand to get lunch in the cafeteria.  If you have unopened food, please return it to the “go-back” section, and do not throw it away as students and staff are welcome to take any extra food from the “go-back” section.

PBIS:  EMPATHY How to be a good Friend 

Show Empathy by treating others the way you want to be treated and ask yourself, is this hurtful or helpful?  Remember the 30 seconds or less rule:  YOUR WORDS MATTER. 

THINK: T: Is this True? H: is this helpful?, I: is this inspiring?, N: is this information necessary? K: is this kind?

Let’s spread empathy and kindness at Edison.

PBIS Student Store Shopping Days are Nov 4-8th during library time so please keep your Keep it REAL slips to redeem at the student store. 


10/24  School Site Council Meeting

10/25:  Fall Festival 5-8 PM

10/28:  Read-a-thon Kick off, In Person Assembly, Red Ribbon Week

10/29  South Bay Lakers Basketball and Cheer Clinic 3 PM and Healthy Ever After

10/31 Halloween Parade

WATCH D.O.G.S - (Dads of Great Students) 

If you were not able to attend the pizza kick off, you may still volunteer as a watchdog.  Make sure you are a cleared volunteer and then call the office to schedule a date. Thanks.

Reflections Art Contest! Submission Deadline extended to October 23th!


"Accepting Imperfection..."  Show your creativity through visual arts, photography, literature, music composition, or dance choreography. Only online submissions will be accepted. You may enter in as many categories as you wish, but only 1 entry per category. Submit your entry online at https://tinyurl.com/EdisonReflections2024  For category rules go to: https://capta.org/resource/participant-forms/ 

Questions contact Jenny Choi at choi.jenny@edisonelementarypta.org


Thank you to all the families who joined Principal Okazaki at the Skechers Wa;l

Students to receive a Golden Ticket(s) equivalent to 5 Keep it REAL slips for each registered family member. 

We are raffling out 26 Laker game tickets for the November 19 game Los Angeles Lakers vs Utah (NBA CUP). The number of tickets raffled to the registered families will equal the number of registered people in your family. 

EDISON LIBRARY SCHEDULE:  We need volunteers 

Need at least 1-2 more volunteers for Matis, Matsumoto, Branley and Willis’ classes. The library opens October 7. If you are interested, please email Carissa Baumhart at:  baumhart.carissa@edisonelementarypta.org.  Also please return a signed Library Permission slip so your child can check out a book.

SouthBay Lakers Basketball and Dance Clinic 10/29 3-4 PM

First 100 4th and 5th grade students may participate with the Laker coaches and the cheerleaders.    Please return your permission slip

Red Ribbon Spirit Week Oct 28 - Nov 1

Monday:  Wear Red, White and Blue

Tuesday:  Dress from the past, 60, 70 80 or 90’s.

Wednesday:  Wea4r your favorite Sport Jersey

Thursday: Wear your Halloween Costume

Friday:  Wear Pajamas

Important Information about Halloween (see flyer)

Wear costumes over clothing for parade beginning at 9:00.  Parents are welcome but please sign in.  Do not bring anything to school that resembles a weapon.  Masks worn only during parade.  If you are not participating, please let your child’s teacher know so we can provide an alternate activity.  Healthy6 treats only6.
Register on Power School and Food program ASAP! 
Register on PowerSchool at www.ps.tusd.org to complete your annual registration.  Everyone MUST do this online. If you need help, please stop by the office and you can log in here. 

It’s also important that everyone complete a School Benefit Form at: https://linqconnect.com/public/income-form/new?identifier=Q5ZWXH Our school gets funding for all students who qualify.

Please label all Jackets, Lunch boxes and water bottles
We will be donating all items that are not claimed 2X a year.

Join Edison PTA Today!
Join online at: https://tinyurl.com/YesEdisonPTA
Our goal is 100% membership - to have at least 1 person from each family join.Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Caretakers all are welcome to join! We are off to a great start with 51% membership as of today! Your $10 membership dues & donations fund the library, Adventures in Art,Family Nights and many, many more programs.
Questions? Contact Jenny Ta, Edison PTA Membership Chair, at: ta.jenny@edisonelementarypta.org

Edison Needs Volunteers!
Edison PTA is a 100% volunteer-run organization. We need volunteers to be able to offer all of our programs and events! Please fill out the Volunteer Interest Form from the PTA packet, or fill it out online at: https://tinyurl.com/2024VolunteerForm   Most immediate needs are for library volunteers, Room Parents, Drop-off Valet, & Adventures in Art Docents & Assistants
Question? Email PTA's Volunteer Coordinator:  Suehaylie Felipe at felipe.suehaylie@edisonelementarypta.org 

Edison Yearbooks
10% Off Yearbook purchase through October 31st!
To Purchase & Customize Your Yearbook, go to www.treering.com/validate, and enter Edison's passcode: 101566244081951
10% off Price is $24.55 (Sales Tax Not included, Regular price is $27.27)
Questions? Email: yearbook.edison182@gmail.com 

In an abundance of caution, please keep your child at home if they are ill. Be sure to contact our school health assistant, Ms. Lajoy Atkins if you think your child has any Covid Symptoms, needs to quarantine/isolate due to Covid positive, or just for any advice about your child’s illness. You can reach our health tech at atkins.lajoy@tusd.org, or call 310-533-4513 x 2883.

If your child is absent for any other reason, please email EdisonAttendance@tusd.org, email the teacher or call the office and dial extension #2.

If your child will be absent three or more days up to 15 days maximum, please contact your child’s teacher and the office for an independent contract to get a work packet and receive attendance credit.

Please Support Edison with Your Shopping Choices!

You can easily support Edison elementary by signing up for Ralphs' Community Contribution program and designate Edison PTA to receive a percentage of your purchases. Register your Ralphs Rewards card. 
Go to: https://www.ralphs.com and login or set up an account.
On the top right corner, go to “My Account”.
Type either our school name or our NPO # KP828 to search.
Click on the circle next to Edison PTA, then click "Enroll".

