April 15, 2024

Good Morning Edison Eagles!

Good Morning Edison Eagles! The recording of the assembly was aired in the classrooms and the link to view the Recording of the assembly is below to view. Parents, I would recommend changing the speed to 1.5x. https://tusd-org.zoom.us/rec/share/okAYmvCkvF7uspM_wWbHBAoMcZ7Po3HH0v8somxa9UvdMWphjybzIgo5QV70HVKN.zwLraHq09U125N-Y

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students who will take a group picture the last Monday of the month during our live assembly on 4/29 in the quad: 

Halia K, Adelynn S, Emmarose A, Anas I, Heavenly T, Allen C, Layla G, Sloane M, Marcus C, Angel C, Shafin C, Aiza M, Jesse B, Sophia SD, Tatiana W, Zoey M, Yukiko O, and Edison M.   

Student Council Video Announcements  


Student council announcements includes:

Keeping it R.E.A.L Raffle 

Jin N, Seher Z, Ethan M, Jack M, Aleena D, Julie M, Savannah R, Gabrielle V, Kody C, and Alexander N. 

Tues 4/16 is 5th Grade Promotion Photo - dress nice and bring a change of clothes if you need.

Thur 4/18 5th grade Panoramic Pic - wear your 5th grade shirt.

Morning Run Club for 3rd - 5th graders 410 - 5/29  starting this Wed and Fri 8:00 - 8:30 by grass area by the YMCA.  Students can go to eat breakfast at 8:30 am. Please wear proper shoes, no crocs or sandals and bring water and extra socks.

Last Track tryouts for 3rd - 5th graders will be held during PE times on April April 19.

Week 2 Winners:  Kick Ball

Peach, Samus and Yoshi

Week 3 Schedule:  4/15 Kirby vs. Link, 4/16 Zelda vs. Ryu and 4/18 Peach vs. Samus

Edison’s Blue Ribbon Heroes Week 4/29 - 5/3 (see flyer rsvp)

Honoring men and women in Law Enforcement, Fire Protection and Armed Forces we invite you to our in person assembly for a special assembly 4/29 wear blue! See the attached form to participate and be honored.

KIds Heart Challenge top fundraiser gifts will be distributed today

Thank you for all those who supported our Jump for Heart fundraiser.

Important Dates     

4/16     5th Grade Promotion Picture Day - dress nicely

4/18    5th Grade Panoramic Picture Day - Wear 5th grade Tshirt

4/18    1st Grade Field Trip

4/18  Gate Zoom Conference

4/23  5th Grade Info Night @ 5pm Magruder Middle School

4/24    Administrative Assistant/Nurse Appreciation Day

4/25    Family Math Night from 6 - 7:30 PM

4/29    Blue Ribbon Week

TK - 4th Grades - Are you coming back to Edison?  Please complete - it’s past DUE


TK/Kindergarten Round Up for NEW students

New Kinders on either 5/14 and 5/21 2:00 - 3:00 PM

New TK and Make up 6/6 from 2:15 - 3:00 PM

Current TK need not attend these Meetings

5th Grade Baby Pictures PAST DUE 

The 5th-grade committee is preparing a Nice Memory book and would like to highlight your child’s baby photo and any current candid picture for the book. If you want your child’s photo in the memory book, this is the last call to upload photos to http://tinyurl.com/2024BabyPic 

Sign up to be a Dad’s of Great Students (Watch D.O.G.S.) 

Contact the office at 310-533-4513 to schedule your day at Edison - Please note that you first need to get cleared to volunteer and that may take a week depending on your TB clearance. Complete your Volunteer Application Here  then once everything is cleared, sign up by calling the office or email kiupelian.maggie@tusd.org to schedule your day. Kindly give us at least a 3-day advance notice. 

Join Edison PTA Today!

COME CHECK OUT OUR CAFETERIA BULLETIN BOARD with our large Edison Eagle and Nest eggs with each member’s name on it. If you are not a member yet, please Join online at: https://tinyurl.com/YesEdisonPTA

Our goal is 100% membership - to have at least 1 person from each family join. We are off to a great start with 81% membership as of today! Your $10 membership dues & donations fund the library, Adventures in Art, and many, many more programs.

Questions? Contact Steve Choi, PTA President, at: choi.steve@edisonelementarypta.org

Straw Ballot for the 2024-2025 PTA Executive Board is now open!

Edison Needs Volunteers!

Edison PTA is a 100% volunteer-run organization. We need volunteers to be able to offer all of our programs and events! Please fill out the Volunteer Interest Form from the PTA packet, or fill it out online at:  https://tinyurl.com/2023VolunteerInterest
Questions? Email  our Volunteer Coordinator, Jenny Choi, at: choi.jenny@edisonelementarypta.org

Please Support Edison with Your Shopping Choices!

You can easily support Edison elementary by signing up for Ralphs' Community Contribution program and designate Edison PTA to receive a percentage of your purchases. Register your Ralphs Rewards card. 

  1. Go to: https://www.ralphs.com and login or set up an account.
  2. On the top right corner, go to “My Account”.
  3. Type either our school name or our NPO # KP828 to search.
  4. Click on the circle next to Edison PTA, then click "Enroll".

You can also Support Edison by purchasing products with the Box Tops icon. Go to https://BTFE.COM to download the app and learn more about the program. Be sure to designate Edison PTA to receive earnings from Box Tops products. 


Please complete the following self-reporting if your child is Covid Positive. If your child was requested to test because they are a close contact, please also complete the self-reporting form
Any student who tests positive should notify us using the provided reporting link.


In an abundance of caution, please keep your child at home if they are ill. Be sure to contact our school health assistant, Ms. Lajoy Atkins if you think your child has any Covid Symptoms, needs to quarantine/isolate because a family member is Covid positive, or just for any advice about your child’s illness. You can reach our health tech at atkins.lajoy@tusd.org, or call 310-533-4513 x 2883.

If your child is absent for any other reason, please email EdisonAttendance@tusd.org, email the teacher or call the office and dial extension #2.

If your child will be absent three or more days, please contact your child’s teacher and the office for an independent contract to get a work packet and receive attendance credit.