California State Seal of Biliteracy Award

The Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by a school, district, or state to recognize graduating students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages, including English, by high school graduation. The recognition encourages all students to pursue biliteracy, honors the skills our students attain, and is evidence of competitive skills to future employers and college admissions offices. 

All students who apply and qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy will receive a medal of recognition at the annual Torrance High Achievement Awards Ceremony and the prestigious California Department of Education Seal of Biliteracy golden seal affixed to their high school diploma.

To apply for this prestigious World Language recognition, eligible students will be invited at the beginning of the second semester to complete and submit their applications and supporting documentation by a predetermined deadline, typically early March.

All 12th-grade student applications are verified by the Torrance Unified School District English Language Development office.

Seal of Biliteracy Application

Have questions about the award? Check out the flyer and additional resources below:

THS Seal of Biliteracy Informational Slides

Additional questions can be directed to the World Language teacher in charge of the SSB for Torrance High, Mrs. Veronica Trani (, or Assistant Principal Kelsey Jimerson (