College for All

West High School Graduation and UC & CSU Admissions Requirements

It is important to know and be informed regarding both your high school graduation requirements and requirements to enter directly into a UC or CSU after high school. To view A-G requirements click here.

College Savings

It is Never to Late to Start Saving for College

Check into the Educational Savings Options resource for parents by clicking here

college for all

College Going Culture Glossary of Terms

Ever wondered what college admissions and financial aid acronyms and words mean? Click view here to link to our College Going Culture Glossary of Terms.

financial aid acronyms

Motivation for College

How can parents keep their children motivated about the benefits of a college education?

  • Take Your Child on Field Trips to Local Universities or Colleges: This is a great way for students to see and become excited about attending college.
  • Communicate High Expectations: Emphasize the importance of learning and education. Stress the value of education. Studies have shown that when parents expect their children to do well in school they do!
  • Build a Portfolio of Your Student’s High School Work: This should include sample essays, artwork, math problems, videos, and computer programs. Saving you child’s work shows that you care and serves to motivate him or her by documenting their creativity, accomplishments, and progress made toward the goal of a college education.
  • Explore the Student Friendly Service Website ( This site provides students and parents with information about higher educational options in California. It offers:
    • College exploration, including virtual campus tours, searches for campuses that meet specific criteria, and student-campus matching capability.
    • Guidance and counseling, including information on financial aide and admissions planning for high school and transfer students.

BE INFORMED of the courses and academic planning needed for college.

BE INVOLVED by being your child’s best teacher.

BE INSPIRED by your child’s achievements in preparing for college.

Make High School Count

Your Future, Plan Ahead and Make High School Count

Take Control of Your Future! Do you want more knowledge, more job opportunities, and a lot more money? College is for you! The world is changing every day and it is harder to find well-paying jobs if you do not have a college degree... so if you want the freedom to choose a good career and earn a high salary, then you should start preparing for college while you are still in middle school.

Be Prepared Right now is the best time to prepare for college. During the next four years, you need to take the right courses, including Algebra in the 8th grade, to help you get into the college that best suits your needs. The chart below lists the minimum courses that are required for freshman admission to the California State University, the University of California, and many independent colleges and universities. This pattern of courses is the same as recommended for community colleges. Talk to your counselors and teachers and use this chart to plan ahead and track your progress!  

Click view for your high school planning chart and start your planning & future now!

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What Types of Colleges are Available in California?

California Community College (CCC)

The California Community Colleges offer a wide range of academic and vocational courses leading to a variety of valuable certificates and degrees. Students may also complete the first two yeas of a university education here and earn an AA degree and then transfer to a college or university to receive a Bachelor’s Degree. (

California State University (CSU)

This is the nation’s largest university system with 23 campuses and 409,000 students. Each campus has its own character, academic focus, and traditions. CSU’s mission is to provide a high-quality education for the students of California. It provides educational opportunities for all eligible students, prepares highly qualified candidates for the job market, and is responsive to the state’s changing needs. (

University of California (UC)

The university is housed on 10 campuses and serves 200,000 students. It has an international reputation for academic excellence. The faculty includes many award winning individuals who both teach and conduct original research in their area of expertise. UC is committed to providing a place for all California applicants who are in the top 9% of high school graduates statewide. (

Independent Colleges and Universities

California is home to almost 80 private colleges and universities. Each school is unique allowing students to choose an environment and academic program that best suits their needs. (

Specialized Schools and Colleges

The vocational sector of the higher educational system has over 3000 schools that grant certificates or Associate’s Art degrees. Many of these have been in existence for over 20 years and have thousands of graduates employed in related industries.