Attendance & Tardiness Policy
Prompt and regular attendance at school is required by law for all children. Children who are ill or who may expose other children to colds, etc. should not be sent to school. If your child will not be in attendance on any school day, please email call the school office at (310)533-4506 X2982. Every absence must be explained by the parent or guardian stating the exact date and reason for the absence. Absence notes, can be turned into the student's teacher. If you wish your child to be dismissed early, please send a note to the child’s teacher. You must come to the office and sign out your child. Teachers will require a pass from the office before allowing a child to leave the classroom.
School districts no longer receive funding from the State of California for students who are absent from school. If you find it necessary to keep your child out of school for reasons other than illness, we encourage you to send your child to school for at least part of the day so that your child will not be counted absent and also will not miss out on important school assignments. It is crucial that local schools continue to receive the financial resources necessary to provide quality educational services and reduce program cuts.
If your child is absent for three or more days, you are eligible for a Student Study Contract which keeps your student up to date on their class work. Please contact the school office for more information about this program.
If your child is late for school, t achey will need to go to the office prior to going to their classroom. The office will issue a tardy slip to your child to give to the teacher. Being tardy begins immediately after the bell rings at 8:50 am. This policy applies to all students, Kindergarten through 5th grade.