School Guidelines
Our school is dedicated to fostering a safe, positive, and respectful school culture where every student’s academic, behavioral, and social success are equally important.
We have worked collaboratively to update and improve our Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) system for our school site. Creating school-wide behavioral expectations, modeling and teaching students what is expected on campus and in the classroom, and reinforcing and supporting student behavior with interventions and supports will support each student’s academic and behavioral success.
Our School believes homework is an important part of the educational process, which enhances and reinforces concepts taught in the classroom. It also provides you with many opportunities to see how well your child is performing. Time guidelines have been established by the Board of Education as follows:
Grade and time allowed
Grade | time allowed |
Kindergarten | 20 – 40 minutes per week |
Grades 1-3 | 1 hour 30 minutes – 2 hours per week |
Grades 4-5 | 3 hours – 4 hours per week |
Students must wear clothing appropriate for school and the activities in which they must participate. Closed-toe, soft-soled shoes should be worn daily. Sandals or dress shoes do not provide enough support for students and make it difficult for them to participate in physical education.
Dangling earrings are not permitted for safety reasons. Waist packs are not permitted. Any clothing that is unsafe, unhealthy, or could be disruptive to the educational process will not be acceptable. If the staff believes there is a problem, parents will be contacted. (Section 302. Title v. California Administrative Code)
School telephones should be reserved for official school business and emergencies. The phone should not be used for forgotten homework, projects, lunches, etc. Please help your children remember to bring their needed school materials. This will help them learn responsibility. Cell phones are allowed on campus, but they need to be turned off during school hours. The school will not be held responsible for the cell phone.
As protection for your children, state law requires that all persons not employed or enrolled as a student need to report their presence and purpose for a visit to the school office immediately upon arriving on campus. Visitors are requested to sign in, obtain a Visitor's Badge to wear, and sign out when they return their badge upon leaving.
To prevent classroom disruption, parents and family members are to bring lunches, money, books, etc. from home to the office, rather than taking them directly to their child's classroom. Students should check in the office for the listed items at lunch or break because the classroom will not be called during instruction time.
Parents/Guardians are welcome and encouraged to visit the school. We make the following suggestions for a beneficial visit if you wish to visit a classroom:
- Please check with the teacher in advance - some days are better for visiting.
- Check-in at the office and obtain a Visitor's Badge before visiting the class.
- Parent / Teacher conferences should be avoided at that time.
- Please make childcare arrangements for preschoolers and small children. Liability prevents non-school-age children from being in the classroom, library, cafeteria, and playground.
- Please plan on visiting for no more than 20 minutes.
Children in grades 3-5 may ride bicycles to school with a permit. Bicycle permits are issued through the school office. The school cannot be responsible for lost or damaged bicycles. All bicycles must be locked and kept in the bicycle racks provided.
Guided by our concern for the safety of our students, and in compliance with State Law, our school guidelines require students to wear helmets if they want the privilege of riding a bicycle to school. Students who do not comply with these requirements will have their bicycle riding privileges suspended until they can prove that they have a helmet, will be conscientious about wearing it on their trip to and from school, and that they have the capability of locking their bicycle at school.
Skateboards, roller skates/blades, skate shoes, and scooters are not allowed on campus at any time. Skateboards are prohibited along, across, or upon any school, park, public parking lot, public parking facility, or structure by Torrance Municipal Code 63.4.3 and are fined as follows: 1st offense - $25; 2nd offense - $50; 3rd offense - $100.
Please be aware that toys, balls, sports equipment, etc. are not allowed at school, except for some exceptions that may be made for Share Days. Please support your students by reminding them that these items are not allowed at school to help eliminate distractions. Some exceptions may be made for special events and classroom sharing. Thank you for your support!
All teachers will acknowledge your child’s birthday, but please remember that at a school, the focus needs to be on learning.
We would like to avoid birthday treats in the form of food due to allergies or special dietary needs. If you would like to donate a gift to your child’s class, we suggest items such as a book or pencils.
In accordance with county health laws, homemade or home-baked goods may not be served to students in the classroom. These goods are still permitted at PTA or other functions that occur outside of school hours.
For the District’s Wellness Policy, please go to the TUSD Nutrition Services Website at
The passing out of party invitations at school is not appropriate when some children are included and others are not. Please be considerate of others’ feelings. If you have any questions, please give us a call.
Fern Elementary Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones and any other devies used to communicate are considered Mobile Communication Devices (cell phones, smart watches, etc). At Fern, Mobile Communication Devices shall:
- Be turned off and put away during class time, and at any other time as directed by a District employee. (BP 5131.8)
- Not disrupt the educational program or school activity. (BP 5131.8)
TUSD AR 5144. If a disruption occurs or a student uses any mobile communications device for improper activities, the employee shall direct the student to turn off the device and/or confiscate it. If a school employee finds it necessary to confiscate a device, he/she may either return it at the end of the class period or school day or keep it until the principal or designee has consulted with the student's parent/guardian.
3rd - 5th Grade: Request to walk or bike to Fern Elementary
Please complete the Request to Bike or Walk form if you are requesting for your student to bike or walk to and/or from school. We will review all requests and contact you to confirm.
Students that bike to and/or from school must come into the office to complete the bike test. It should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Students MUST wear a helmet and have a bike lock.
PLEASE NOTE: Students must bike/walk directly home after school and should not linger around the school or park. If we find students are not following this procedure, we have the right to revoke this request and require students to be released to an adult.