TUSD Athletic Rules and Information
ASB CARD: It is recommended that all athletes purchase ASB cards. The ASB card provides discounts for school activities and free entrance into all league and practice athletic events the entire year. It is required in order to receive athletic awards, letters, plaques, etc., free of charge. 1. OUTSIDE TEAMS: Athletes cannot play on another team in the same sport from the time of high school’s first contest against another school, in that sport, through the final game of the season. 2. SCHOLASTIC ELIGIBILITY (TUSD Board Policy 6145)a. Athletes must be legally enrolled and progressing toward meeting graduation requirements.
b. Athletes are expected to enroll in six classes and are ineligible if they drop below five classes.
c. Athletes must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 in all classes for the quarter completed prior to each season. Weighted GPA’s do not count for eligibility reasons.
d. Athletes may have no more than one (1) unsatisfactory grade in citizenship for the quarter completed prior to the season and throughout the season.
e. These academic and citizenship standards must be maintained each quarter (10 week period) to stay eligible. 3. TORRANCE HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC COUNCIL: Any athlete suspended from school, in or out of season, will be subject to disciplinary actions by the Athletic Council. Any athlete caught in the possession of, or under the influence of liquor, tobacco or controlled substances, in or out of season, will be subject to disciplinary actions by the Athletic Council. If requested by a coach or administrator, the Athletic Council will convene to investigate alleged individual or team violations and has the authority to invoke disciplinary action. 4. HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC RULES:
a. Athletic department qualification for earning a letter is that an athlete must complete the season as a member of the varsity team (cannot have been cut, become in-eligible, been suspended or quit). Coaches have the right to add their own criteria for their programs.
b. All school-issued equipment (uniforms, bags, etc.) must be returned at the end of the season or the athlete will receive an incomplete grade and be put on the activities office debt list until the equipment has been returned or paid for. Yearbooks and or other items may not be received if your name is on the list.
c. Athletes may not transfer from an “in-season” sport to any other sport until after the last game of the “in-season” sport or until released by the coach of the “in-season” sport.
d. Athletes are guaranteed a chance to tryout for another sport at the conclusion of their present sport season. We encourage athletes to participate in more than one sport during the year.
e. Athletes who are cut from a sport will be transferred to a regular P.E. Class. Classes will range from 0-5th period. They must report to class daily and wear the required P.E. uniform in order to receive credit.
f. All athletes must go to and from games on the team bus or with an authorized adult driver.
g. To be a member of a high school athletic team is a privilege and an honor. We expect all players on the field to conduct themselves like ladies and gentlemen. Specifically, we do not want players to criticize teammates or officials nor to commit deliberate fouls. When fouled, we do not want our players to retaliate. In short, we expect high school athletes to play with “class” and “character”.
h. The athletic department has additional policies and rules that may be brought into effect according to the violation that may have occurred. All athletes are expected to follow school rules at all times. 5. THE ATHLETE, PARENT, AND COACH:
a. Coaches may, and often do, set additional rules and regulations for their sports. b. Lines of communication. If a problem arises, parents are required to discuss it with the coach prior to calling the Athletic Director and/or Administration. No anonymous complaints (either in writing or otherwise) will be addressed.