Together, we can accomplish our goals! Skechers Walk, 2022

Together, we can accomplish our goals! Skechers Walk, 2022

Dear Jefferson Middle School Families,

Jefferson Middle School will be participating in the 2022 SKECHERS Pier to Pier Friendship Walk with Torrance Education Foundation again this year!

Last year we have an amazing turnout with close to a 100 walkers coming out to support our Jaguars. Everyone is welcome. Bring your friends, family members, neighbors, and anyone who you can think of to help us meet our goal.

We invite you to register a member of our Jefferson Middle School Team and help raise funds for our school! Please make sure you select Jefferson Middle from the drop-down school menu. Don’t forget to choose the Torrance Education Foundation when selecting where you would like your contribution to go.

This year our focus on raising money will be used to support both our Horticulture class and our After-School Athletics program.  Our Horticulture class works to maintain our school’s Egyptian and Butterfly gardens.  We are looking to purchase additional seating and continue to develop these spaces into Sensory/Zen Gardens.  Lastly, we would like to build an outdoor classroom (large-scale garden) outside building B. For our after-school Athletics programs, it is our goal to raise money for team and school equipment, team uniforms, and to expand the opportunities for all grade levels to be a part of Jefferson Athletics.  Unfortunately, without our families, and our community these projects can not happen. 

Sign up online at to register today!  Together we can make a difference!

If you have questions, please email me at

Thank you for your support, 

Mr. Loaiza and Mr. Woods, Skechers Walk Ambassadors

Letter to Jefferson Middle School Families