The safety of all our students during Pickup and Dropoff is incredibly important.
We need your help to ensure a smooth flow of traffic during these congested and busy times. Please discuss and decide as a family where the designated pickup and dropoff points will be for your child/children. Never double (or triple) park in the street to pick up your child, and please use the crosswalks. Please follow the directions of all posted signs, staff, volunteers and crossing guards.
Please drop off and pick up your students on time. There is no supervision before our school opens in the morning and your child should be picked up within 15 minutes of school ending.
Pickup and Dropoff Procedure
Breakfast is open from 8:20 am. / Main Gates open at 8:35 am.
TK and Kindergarten
First 2 Mornings:
Enter: Main Gate
First 2-days only, students and guardians may go towards the Kindergarten playground.
At 8:45 am, students should line up behind a cone with their child’s teacher’s name and wait until your teacher comes to pick them up.
Guardians may walk with their child to their classroom on the first day only.
So that their instructional day can begin, please say goodbyes by 9:00 am.
On the 2nd day, we ask that you say your good-byes at the playground once your child’s teacher has picked them up.
Dismissal 11:50 am on the first 2 days.
Kindergarten classes: Please pick your child up at the West Gate (by the bungalows).
TK classes: Please pick your child up at the Main Gate.
Students enrolled in YMCA will be picked up by the YMCA staff member.
Lunch: Due to early dismissal, students will NOT have lunch at school the first 2 days of school.
Starting Mondays
Only Students should enter from the main gate and proceed to the playground for supervised morning recess starting at 8:35 am
Parents should say goodbye at the gate.
Dismissal 1:50 pm
1st Graders: Start at 8:59 am
First Day Only
Students and parents may head to the Cafeteria where they will wait for their teachers
Teachers will come and pick up their classes at the cafeteria.
Parents will say goodbye at the cafeteria.
Starting the 2nd day of school, students should head to the playground and line up with their class when the bell rings. Parents, please say your goodbyes at the gate.
Dismissal: Front Gate
Students will be walked to the front gate with their teachers.
Guardians, please line up behind the cone with your child’s teacher’s name, and your child’s teacher will dismiss your child once we have made contact with the appropriate adult.
2nd Graders: Start time 8:59 am
Morning: Students walk onto campus and line up behind the cone with their teacher’s name.
Dismissal: Students will be dismissed to guardians at their assigned gates. See below:
Porter/Shimizu: Small gate behind the cafeteria.
Satz/ Gomez: West Gate (by the bungalows)
3rd Graders: Start time 8:59am
Morning: Students only may walk onto campus and line up behind the cone with their teacher’s name.
Dismissal: Students will be dismissed at the small gate behind the cafeteria.
4/5th Graders: Start time 8:50 am
Morning: Students may walk onto campus and line up behind the cone with their teacher’s name.
Dismissal: Students may leave from the back gate or from the West Gate.