English Language Multicultural Advisory Committee (ELMAC) 

Our English Language Multicultural Advisory Committee (ELMAC) is a group of parents/guardians who meet approximately four times a year to give our school staff input and direction regarding the education of our English Learner (EL). 

Example committee topics include: 

  • Basics of Torrance Unified’s English Language Development (ELD) program
  • Explanations of our guidelines and services we provide
  • Demonstration of ELD resources and support for ELL students
  • Facilitation to better understand and determine the needs of our ELL students
  • Generation of ideas to help ELL students be successful at school
  • Increased awareness and celebration of our cultural diversity

South Area ELMAC Meetings and Dates

Meetings are held in person at designate site. 

Meeting Day and Time
Meeting #1 October 9 - 9:30 @ Arnold Elementary School, 4100 W 227th St, Torrance, CA 90505
Meeting #2 January 16 - 9:30 @Riviera Elementary School 365 Paseo de Arena Torrance, CA 90505   
Meeting #3 March 20 - 9:30 @Seaside Elementary School, 4651 Sharynne Ln, Torrance, CA 90505
Meeting #4 May 1 - 9:30 @Walteria Elementary School, 24456 Madison St, Torrance, CA 90505

DELMAC Meetings and Dates

The District English Learner Multicultural Advisory Committee (DELMAC) is intended to provide a forum for sharing information with parents, as well as to allow a regular means for parents to communicate their needs, concerns, and suggestions at the District level. 

30th Annual Parent Conference
December 13, 2024

Learn More

All meetings are on Fridays @ 10 AM to 12 PM in the Levy Adult Center Room 20

Meeting Day and Time Meeting Notes      
Meeting #1 October 18, 2024 @ 10 AM to 12 PM English Japanese Korean Spanish
Meeting #2 January 24, 2025 @ 10 AM to 12 PM English Japanese Korean Spanish
Meeting #3 February 28, 2025 @ 10 AM to 12 PM English Japanese Korean Spanish
Meeting #4 May 16, 2025 @ 10 AM to 12 PM English Japanese Korean Spanish