Welcome To Torrance Tykes!
A Place Where Every Child Learns, Plays, and Grows!
Welcome to Torrance Tykes Preschool!
Torrance Tykes Preschool is a State sponsored Preschool Program that is offered for free to income-qualified families. Program classes are located on one of the following TUSD elementary campuses: Arlington, Arnold/LAUNCH, Carr, Lincoln, Torrance Elementary and Wood.
Enrollment Age/Requirements:
- We enroll 3 and 4 years old children.
- Children must turn 3 years old by December 1st to enroll.
- Children who have their third birthday on or after December 2 of the fiscal year, may be enrolled on or after their third birthday.
- If children have their 5th birthday on or after September 2nd they can enroll.
We are still accepting applications for the current 2024-2025 school year! Enrollment is where we have space available
Please click here for the preliminary application form. Although we begin enrollment for 2024-2025 in mid-June, you can submit your completed application in early Spring of 2024!
Enrollment is finalized via an appointment
Please call or email us today to schedule an appointment
Phone (310) 972-6490
Fax (310) 972-6234
Se habla español
Please submit your application to tykesenrollment@tusd.org
*Torrance Tykes Preschool Programs is sponsored by the California Department of Education and the Torrance Unified School District. We are a non-profit 501-c and are licensed through CCL, LIC #197412159.
Bienvenidos al preescolar Torrance Tykes!
Torrance Tykes es un programa preescolar patrocinado por el Estado que se ofrece de forma gratuita a las familias que reúnen los requisitos de ingresos. Las clases del programa están ubicadas en uno de los siguientes campus de primaria de TUSD: Arlington, Arnold/LAUNCH, Carr, Lincoln, Torrance Elementary y Wood. SÓLO aceptamos niños que han sido entrenados para ir al baño a nuestro programa.
Edad de inscripción:
- El niño(a) debe tener 3 años el 1 de diciembre o antes para poder inscribirse.
- El niño(a) que cumpla 4 años el 1 de diciembre tiene prioridad.
- El niño(a) que cumpla 3 años el 2 de diciembre del año fiscal o después, podrá ser inscrito en su tercer cumpleaños o después.
La inscripción se realiza mediante una cita
La inscripción es donde hay espacio disponible
Para programar una cita llame o envíenos un correo electrónico hoy
Teléfono (310) 972-6490 Fax (310) 972-6234
Se habla español

Other Important Links:
Torrance Tykes Preschool Office
Phone: (310) 972-6490
Fax: (310) 972-6234
Staff Directory
Tykes Events
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