Support JMS while Shopping!
Funds raised through the following programs support Jefferson Middle School PTSA programs such as the school library, field trips, classroom enrichment, Science Fair, Adventures in Art, Reflections, and many more!
Have you donated your receipts today?
What It Is:
Shop Anywhere. Buy Anything.
Then, just snap a picture of your receipt to earn money for Jefferson!
How It Works:
- Download the free Shoparoo app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
- Select "Jefferson Middle School PTSA" from the list and start taking pictures of your receipts - shop anywhere, buy anything!
- Anyone can join, so invite others to support Jefferson Middle School.
- You can even select a grade to support and have fun with grade competitions!
There's no limit to how much money we can raise with Shoparoo - the more supporters, the more we will raise for our school. Schools with just 40 supporters are earning an average of $1000 every year. That's free, easy money. Check out to learn more about this awesome app!
Mobile App
What It Is:
- Buy Digital Gift Cards.
- Earn Money for Jefferson Middle School.
- So simple, you don't need a 3rd step!
Everyday purchases but with purpose. Instantly buy digital gift cards to your favorite retailers and redeem in store, on your phone, or online. Earn up to 20% back in donations to JMS!
How It Works:
- Download the Benefit Mobile App from the iTunes or Google Play store.
- Search for "Jefferson Middle School PTSA" in Torrance, CA to support.
- Shop at any of the over 80 participating retailers and use the app at check out.
- With each transaction a donation is made! It is easy to earn an extra $10/week for Jefferson just with your normal shopping.
Tip! Add your favorite store by clicking on the STAR on the top right corner.
A Few of the Participating Vendors:
eScrip: You shop, and our merchants give back! Buy groceries, book a cruise or dine out to make a difference for the organizations you choose.
What It Is:
Sign up, and when you use your credit/debit card Vendors will donate back 0.3%-18% of your purchase.
How It Works:
- Go to
- Click on "sign-up" in the top right corner
- Designate "Jefferson Middle School PTSA" as your non-profit
- Follow the instructions to register your loyalty and credit/debit cards
- Don't want to register your credit cards? No problem, you can still contribute by first logging into and then clicking on the link of the online store of your choice.
Here are just a few of the many particpating vendors:
Boxtops for Education
What It Is:
How It Works:
How to Turn in My Boxtops:
- Clip the Boxtops at home.
- Place the Boxtops in a ziplock bag with your name on it.
- Put the ziplock bag in the Boxtops for Education jar in the Main Office of Jefferson Middle School.