Photo of Ms. Amanda Lara

Ms. Amanda Lara

4th Grade Teacher

  • 310-972-6393

Hey Fern Falcons! I am Ms. Lara. I have been teaching now for 5 years.
My first year I taught a 4/5 combo at Torrance Elementary School. Now
for the past 3 years I have been teaching 5th grade here at Fern Elementary
School. And now I absolutely love  4th grade and being here at Fern!

I went to high school at Calvary Chapel in Santa Ana. I did my first two
years of college at Orange Coast Community College from there I
transferred to Biola University. I graduated with a Bachelors in
Elementary Education with an emphasis in Biology. I took at break from
my Masters in Teaching from Biola University. However, I am about 2
classes and 3 part test away from having a Masters in Teaching with the
ability to teach Middle School science and High School Biology.

During my free time I enjoy working out at the gym, spending time with
my family, and spending time with my friends. I also love being
outdoors and active, so you can find me at the beach or hiking

Office Location

Fern Elementary School, 1314 Fern Avenue, Torrance, CA 90503

Mail Location

Room 28