Room 1’s Newsletter

Week ofApril 23, 2024


Dear Parents,  

Thank you to the parents who came out to support our Talent Show participants.  I heard it was a success and so much fun.  I’m sorry I couldn’t make it as my daughter had basketball practice at the exact same time.  

This week our class will continue to finish up our spring unit and work on our Earth Day unit.. In  Language Arts we will learn l blend words.    The 2 words for this week will be: has, where.  So far our 40’s club words are: help, too, play, has, where. In Math, we will continue working on our subtraction unit. 



Please have your child do their homework in pencil and have them write their first and last name correctly on the top of each page. 

Also, once your child receives their sticker for the week, please take out all old homework from their homework folder. Thank you. 

Please continue to read at least 15-20 minutes everyday to your child. The Pizza Hut Book It program ended in March but please continue to read. April reading log due April 26th. 

Learning a-z website = once or twice for 10-15 minutes this week. Please make sure your child clicks on the bottom level up picture NOT the reading room.

Teacher Username: ctokunaga 

Your child’s password is their student ID#plus the 2 capital letters. 


30’s club test this Friday. Your child will be tested on reading and writing all the 30’s club words. 

Sentence repair shop

domino addition 

Sort it out





Victor Envelopes – Victor, Tuesday envelopes must be signed and returned every Wednesday.

Library books are due every Thursday. 


Have a super  week! !  
