The safety of all our students during Pickup and Dropoff is incredibly important.
We need your help to ensure a smooth flow of traffic during these congested and busy times. Please discuss and decide as a family where the designated pickup and dropoff points will be for your child/children. Never double (or triple) park in the street to pick up your child, and please use the crosswalks. Please follow the directions of all posted signs, staff, volunteers and crossing guards.
Please drop off and pick up your students on time. There is no supervision before our school opens in the morning and your child should be picked up within 15 minutes of school ending.
Dropoff and Pickup Procedure
Safety on 235th Street - Please be a kind neighbor and not block or park in our neighbors’ driveways. Safety is important and takes all of us working together to keep Woodchucks and our neighbors safe. Please set a good example and use good judgment at arrival and dismissal on 235th and 236th Streets. Double parking behind staff parking spots continues to be a problem. Please also make sure to use the crosswalk at Arlington and 235th Street or the crosswalk on 236th Street when crossing the street for safety. Thank you!
Staff Parking:
Staff parking is limited and there is not enough for our staff. Please do NOT park your vehicle in the staff parking spaces.