Daily Announcements 3/31/21

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Wednesday, March 31, 2021 - Daily Announcements

Today is Wednesday, March 31, 2021, and here are today's announcements.

Bert Lynn Student News
Check out Bert Lynn's "The Spot"

Friday, April 2nd, is the last day of the 3rd Quarter. Check for missing assignments and make sure to submit work.

SPRING BREAK is April 5 - 9.

Today is a LATE START Day, All Classes periods 1-6 starting at 10:15 AM.

Year Book Photo Opportunity
April 1, April Fool's Day!! Install funny backgrounds on your computer, a funny icon.

New Bell Schedule

Need help? Check-in with your teacher during Tutorial. 2:00 pm on the following days.
Monday = Science Tuesday = Math Thursday = SS Friday = ELA

If you have connectivity issues, please feel free to call the office or check in with us using the Contemporary Issues Link. (310) 533-4495

Have a GREAT day! Today we learn, tomorrow we lead!