Daily Announcements 2/22/21

Frank E. Petersen Jr

Monday, February 22, 2021 - Daily Announcements

Monday, February 22, 2021
Here are today's announcements

Today is Periods 1, 3, and 5. 1st period starts at 9 am

Black History Month Facts of the Day:
Feb. 20, 1895 - Death of Frederick Douglass. Douglass was the leading black spokesman for almost 50 years. He was a major abolitionist, lecturer, and editor.
On February 22:
Feb 22, 1979 - Frank E. Peterson Jr. was named the first black general in the Marine Corps.

If you have connectivity issues, please feel free to call the office or check in with us using the Contemporary Issues Link.

Have a GREAT day! Today we learn, tomorrow we lead!