Daily Announcements 11/2/2020

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Monday, November 1 - Today's Announcements

Hopefully everyone set their clocks BACK 1 hour over the weekend.

Tomorrow is Election Day!
Did you know? While many elections are determined by popular vote, our presidential election is determined by something called the "Electoral College." As a matter of fact, two out of the last five elections were won by candidates who had fewer votes from the general public than their rivals. (Google it or ask your Social Studies teacher about the Electoral College.)

Today's class schedules is periods 1, 3 and 5, with 1st period starting at 9:00, 3rd period at 10:30 and 5th period at 12:30.

Need help? Check in with your teacher during Tutorial. 2:00pm on the following days.
Monday = Science Tuesday = Math Thursday = SS Friday = ELA

If you need assistance, please use our Contemporary Issues Google Meet link to see someone from our office. OR Give us a call if the Google Meet link is not working.

Have a GREAT day! Today we learn, tomorrow we lead!