Monthly Newsletter

Dear parents,

Here are the events we have planned in December. Please tell me if you are interested in volunteering for Adventures in art , caroling or our classroom Holiday Party:

  • December 3- 14: Conferences and Early Dismissal at 2:12! Please don’t forget to pick up your child early. I am attaching a conference schedule as well.  If you are in need of a translator, please tell the office ASAP! Contact me if you need to move any of your conference times.
  • December 7: Adventures in Art 1 pm to 2:12 pm. We are going to be working with paint so I am looking for multiple parent volunteers to make sure this process is as mess free as possible.  If you are cleared through the office, I would love to have some extra help!
  • December 10th: Henderson Library. Have your child bring their Torrance Library card so they can check out a new book.
  • December 13th: Caroling at Brookdale retirement center. We will be leaving around 10:45, walking to the retirement center, singing carols and passing out ornaments and cards, then walking to Victor Park to eat lunch. Parents can either meet us in class around 10:30 (only Parent volunteers who have been cleared through the office) or parents may choose to meet us at the west side gate (the gate closest to the YMCA building) at 10:45 to walk to the retirement center. I am looking for at least 5 to 6 parent volunteers to watch and carry the lunches of 4 or more children (so please bring a bag or a backpack). Please tell me soon if you are available to volunteers so I can split the children into groups with their friends.
  • December 19th: Room 21 Holiday Party. We are planning on having a classroom holiday party with holiday games and arts and crafts from 9 to 11:30. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Mrs. Harmon at

Feel free to contact me if you have any question!

Miss Mayse


November 29th: Family Science Night. I have signed up the following students so far: Giada, Logan, Siksha, Ethan, Nathan, Jacob and Paarth. If you are still interested in signing up, please give me the paperwork ASAP!!! Spots are limited!

November 30th: Achievements Reports go home.

December 3rd- 14th: 2:12 dismissal due to Parent teacher conferences. Please bring any papers or tests you may have to discuss during conferences. Please arrive on time as I only have around 20 to 30 minutes per conference. If we need to have a longer conference, we can schedule one before or after school for a future date.

December 7: Adventures in Art- Van Gogh- Looking for parent volunteers to help with set up and supervising children! We will be doing our next adventures in art project from 1 to 2:30. WE WILL BE WORKING WITH PAINTS! Please have your child dress up in old clothing that you are ok getting paint on. Please contact me if you are interested in helping.

December 10th: Henderson Library. Please make sure you child brings their Torrance Library card and their library book if it has not already been returned.

December 13th: Holiday Caroling! We will be leaving Victor at 10:30/10:45 to walk to Brookdale Retirement center on Torrance Blvd. (across from Bishop Montgomery). We will be singing until 11:45 and walking to have lunch at Victor Park by 12. Students will be eating lunch with their big buddies and play at the Victor Park. We will be returning to school around 1 pm. I am looking for volunteers cleared from the office from 10:30 to 1:15ish.  Parent volunteers will need to carry the lunch of the children assigned to their group from school to Victor Park. Please contact me if you are interested!

December 21st to January 4th: Winter Break- no school!