Pick Up and Drop Off (Parking and Valet)

Pick Up and Drop Off (Parking and Valet)

We are grateful for our Student Valets and our Crosswalk volunteers who are helping with Drop Off in the morning!

  • REMINDER We all need to follow the Traffic Rules to ensure Safety in our Parking Lot:
  • There is NO PARKING in the drop off lane before, during or after school.
  • There is NO EXITING the drop off lane once you enter.
  • Parents MUST REMAIN in their car while in the drop off lane.
  • There is NO DOUBLE PARKING in the parking lot.
  • There is NO PARKING in the Bus Zone.

If you need more time with your child before school starts, please park in the lot and walk your child into school.

If you or a Family member would like to help in the morning or afternoon with Traffic Flow, please see our Office Staff!

Thank you for keeping our STUDENTS SAFE!