Health Office

Phone: 310-533-4794 ext. 8591
FAX: 310-972-6398
Jefferson Middle School Health Assistant
Any student who has had a fever of 101 or higher in the past 24 hours, must remain at home.  

Before students can return to school, they must be without a fever and fever reducing medication (i.e. Tylenol) for a full 24 hours.

Current 6th Graders:  Proof of Tdap Immunization and the 2nd Varicella must be provided to the school health office prior to entering the 7th grade.  This immunization must have taken place after the child’s seventh birthday. Please contact with any questions.
Current 7th Graders: Make sure that you are up-to-date with all shots and immunizations. All 7th Graders must have the Tdap and the 2nd Varicella, or they will be unable to start school until documentation of the shots has been provided to the school. Please contact with any questions.

Please inform the school and your counselor if you have any documented health problems that may impact your academic ability.