Daily Announcements 2/25/21

Rebecca Lee

Thursday, February 25, 2021 - Daily Announcements

Thursday, February 25, 2021
Here are today's announcements

Today is Periods 1, 3, and 5. 1st period starts at 9 am

Do you love tinkering? Solving problems by inventing new things? Submit your ideas for a chance to enter the California Invention Convention.
 Inventions flyer

(STUDENT ACCESS for links) 

Black History Month Facts of the Day:
Feb. 24, 1864 - Rebecca Lee became the first black woman to receive an M.D. degree.
Feb. 25, 1870 - Hirman R. Revels of Mississippi was sworn in as the first black U.S. Senator and first black Representative in Congress.
Feb. 25, 1948 - Martin Luther King was ordained as a Baptist minister.
Feb. 25, 1971 - President Nixon met with members of the Congressional Black Caucus and appointed a White House panel to study a list of recommendations made by the group.

If you have connectivity issues, please feel free to call the office or check in with us using the Contemporary Issues Link.

Have a GREAT day! Today we learn, tomorrow we lead!