Daily Announcements 2/5/21

Clifton R. Wharton Sr

Friday, February 5, 2021 - Daily Announcements

Here are today's announcements
Lincoln's Birthday!
Monday is a school holiday in observance of Lincoln's Birthday, which is actually February 12, 1809. Thus no classes on Monday, and we will be on our "Monday Holiday" Schedule starting on Tuesday.

Student Council Activity 
Superbowl Picks
Choose the winner and have a chance at winning a cool prize. Winners will be chosen from the group with the correct team choice for each grade level on Monday. Watch for the results in the Tuesday Contemporary Issues Class.

>>Periods 2, 4, and 6. 2nd period starts at 9 <<

On this day: On February 5:
Feb. 5, 1866 - Congressman Thaddeus
Stevens offered an amendment to
Freedmen's Bureau Bill authorizing the
distribution of public land and confiscated land to freedmen and loyal refugees in 40-
acre lots.
Feb. 5, 1958 - Clifton R. Wharton Sr.
Confirmed as minister to Rumania. This
career diplomat was the first Black to head a
U.S. embassy in Europe.
Feb. 5, 1962 - Suit seeking to bar
Englewood, N.J., from maintaining "racial
segregated" elementary schools filed in U.S. District Court.

Need help? Check-in with your teacher during Tutorial. 2:00 pm on the following days.
Monday = Science Tuesday = Math Thursday = SS Friday = ELA

If you have connectivity issues, please feel free to call the office or check in with us using the Contemporary Issues Link.

Have a GREAT day! Today we learn, tomorrow we lead!