Daily Announcements 10/20/20


Tuesday, October 20 - Today's Announcements

Good Morning, Today is Tuesday, October 20 and here are today's announcements:

Today's class schedules is periods 2, 4, and 6, with period 1 starting at 9:00.

Tomorrow is LATE START Wednesday Schedule and your first period class begins at 10:15.

Yesterday's question, "Do you like scary movies or rides?" had some interesting results. 27.8% said "NO" 29.6% said "Maybe" and 42.6% said "YES." Ghost-Rider was the most common answer for scariest ride, and "IT" was the most frequent scary movie response. A surprising number of students indicated "ET" as their scariest movie.

Reminder 1st Quarter ends on Friday, October 30th. Don't forget to submit your classwork. CHECK PowerSchool NOW to see if you have any missing assignments.

Do not forget to ask questions. Remember to ask questions if you do not quite understand something. Start with someone from your class and then if you still do not understand ask your teacher.

Have a GREAT day! Today we learn, tomorrow we lead!